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Moni Sky

  • 👁 84.1K
  • 6.8
  • 📚 14

About me

My Motto: I am ME and ME alone knows the ME in ME. Author Moni Sky A Writer and a Technologist


Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 88
  • 7.5

David Smith was a celebrity, an actor and the country’s most distasted idol. While growing up, he got addicted to different kinds of worldly lifestyles like drug addiction and so on. He is also a sexaholic with a very rude personality and his acting skill is below the usual or normal level. His drug addiction led to his unfortunate death. Then came Rose Jack, a female fighter and a soldier who also died the same day on duty to serve her country because she was betrayed by her fellow colleagues out of jealousy. Jason Manny is known as the youngest and most handsome Chief Executive Officer of one of the biggest and most popular Companies in the country. Jason was loved and adored due to his handsome and cute features though he wasn’t an actor or such. His mother was a known actress in the film industry. One fateful day, Rose found herself awake in the hospital bed of an unknown environment with unknown teary eyes staring at her. The people in the room were all excited to see her awake but what got her attention was when she was called another name that wasn’t hers. David… Right then, she realizes that she was in another body entirely. “Oh my, what is wrong with me… I thought I was shot dead… Whose body am I in?? And the BIG question; WHY AM I IN ANOTHER BODY aside from mine and a male one at that? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??? . . Find out what happens NEXT and More in the Story, “THE REBORN IDOL” . . …….

Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 2.4K
  • 7.5

TWO-SIDED ALPHA is a suspenseful, supernatural and thrilling Werewolf story that tells us about a cute, handsome, innocent-looking guy and also a domineering kinda person by the name Ryan Derrick. Ryan, who also is not human in nature has a brother by the name Scott and a company he runs too. The two bloodlines are not human in nature. Ryan is a half-human and half-demon werewolf. Scott, who also works in the same company as Ryan is also a supernatural being too. This story went down a cliff when Emily decided to find a job somewhere around the new city they came in, to support her Mom. One fateful day, she came across Ryan’s company and was set to be interviewed for a job and there she met the handsome and charming Ryan. Everything about Emily changed suddenly the moment she set her eyes on Ryan. Right there, the inner wolf of Ryan said, “Oh my, She’s my Mate” Ryan felt the sparks between them but quickly shooed it off when Scott came in. Scott being a supernatural being sensed it and he immediately fumed in anger because he also got to find out that Emily is his mate too. The two brothers will have to fight for what is rightfully theirs and only an ALPHA can win this fight. THIS IS WHEN IT ALL BEGAN… * * Who is the True-Alpha between Scott and Ryan? Who is Elena and why is she MATED to Two Supernatural beings? Is Emily meant to be with Ryan or Scott? What will happen when Emily founds out about herself and who her real Father is? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY…. “TWO-SIDED ALPHA”

Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 6.5K
  • 7.5

The Story comprises the most dangerous mafia; he is also a handsome young man about 24 years of age by the name Harrison McCall. He is known to be the leader of the Mafia group name, “Black Jaguars” these groups are feared by many in the country and with this, he doesn’t take “NO” for an answer especially when he comes to his personal needs. He is most feared by people except his family members who know nothing about his dangerous lifestyle. Harrison has always been a jerk, a cheater, and a dangerous bi***h he hated the word LOVE because he never believed in it but he likes to flirt around. Until the day he met Elena. A 20-year-old lady by the name of Elena Morgan, She’s a very beautiful, Kind but timid at times, smart, and a little bit shy young lady and also the only daughter of her parents. The STORY got thrilled when both families got the two different individuals married. Harrison and Elena got married but it was a loveless marriage. They were living like enemies but as time goes on things began to change. But, when the two couples decided to take their newfound love life to another turn, Jason came into the picture. Jason, Harrison's cousin's brother is the opposite of him. Jason hated everything about Harrison. Firstly, he blames Harrison for taking away his first love for his ex-girlfriend Sara and now the one true love he had for Elena Harrison took her away from him and got married to her as well. Jason is verge to take REVENGE on him and pay him back in double folds. Jason plans on making Harrison’s newfound happiness to be shattered and he is determined to KILL for it. ** Will he succeeds with his plans??? ** FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY…

Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 8.2K
  • 7.5

Marriage is never an easy thing and being forced out of your home with nowhere to go, hours after you find out you've been betrayed by your husband and best friend, Tessa Carl is completely torn apart. With no money, a home, or a family, what is she to do? Where is she to go? Everything is a huge mess and she's trying hard to fix it all while staying in a hotel where she meets the ever-goofy Jake Hensen and extremely hot Austin Kings. Who will claim the damsel and win her heart? EXCERPT I was on my way home from work. I had to leave earlier than my closing time. I have been sick lately. I just have to relax, I guess. My body felt sore, easily gets tired, and had headaches and so on, I should be worried but I wasn't because I was never almost sick. That doesn't mean you can't get sick. I sighed, I drove slowly because I felt dizzy, maybe I should just come down and take a cab or something? That would be stressful so I decided to continue my slow drive home. Soon I got home, Carson, my husband, won't be home by now, he left earlier today to go sign some contracts, which was good because I don't want him worried about me being sick. Whenever I am sick, Carson stresses himself and refuses to go to work just to take care of me. I giggled remembering the day I had a fever. He refused to go to work so he could be with me. Fulfilling all of my wishes. I am seriously so lucky to have someone like him in my life. I drove into the garage and stopped the car. I got out of my car and locked it, I spotted Carson's car. Well, that's a surprise, it was only 2 pm. Maybe he got the contracts and signed them. I'm so proud of him! I guess I can't hide that I am sick today. I walked to my front door and unlocked it. The sitting room was dead silent.

Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 7.6K
  • 7.5

It was not until he was ten years old that he had his first transformation and Fay kept it a secret from everyone and even his human parents that he was a werewolf. Things went south and the happy family is torn apart when his human parents got to find out that he was a werewolf. Unable to get over the shock of having a werewolf as a son, his human parents confessed to him that he was adopted. During one of his runs in the woods, Fay met Jake, a werewolf and son of the werewolf Alpha. They soon became friends and when Jake offered to take him back to the pack, Fay did not hesitate to accept the offer and he eloped into the werewolf pack. There at the werewolf pack, Fay began his journey of self-discovery with the help of Klein, the pack Alpha and father of Jake who got to discover that Fay was not just an ordinary werewolf, he was extremely strong, even more than an Alpha. When Jake killed Klein, his father out of jealousy, Fay became the Alpha. Unable to accept the fact that a stranger took his rightful position, Jake ran to the lycan king for help. During the war between the lycan king and Fay, he transformed into a lycan and defeated the lycan king. Curious about his true identity, Fay went to the witches' territory to seek answers and there, he met Isabelle, the witch queen. There at the witches' territory, Fay got to discover that his father was a lycan king and his mother was a werewolf handmaid who had a relationship. When his mother got pregnant, the lycan king had the plan to elope with her but they were killed in the woods where he was born by the lycan queen. Devastated by the truth that he is indeed a half-blood and heir to the lycan throne, he left the witches' territory and headed back to the human territory. There the human territory, he found his mate and he claimed her. But their romance was cut short by Jake when the lycan king threatened to invade the werewolf pack. Only a TRUE ALPHA Can defeat the Lycan King. Guess who it is??? Find out more in the Story:- ALPHA FAY: True Bloodline . . . ......

Book cover
  • Author: Moni Sky
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 969
  • 4.3

Bridget Smith vive en una manada donde su padre es Alfa y su madre Luna, pero ella no es diferente de una esclava. Trabaja duro todo el día y su hermano Shawn y otro lobo de la manada la acosan sexualmente constantemente. Hay constantes amenazas de venderla a un Alfa malvado a pesar de que trabaja tan duro como puede. *** *** Avance rápido al LIBRO 2 *** *** El amor se convierte en odio y la pasión se convierte en odio. Después de superar todos los desafíos y obstáculos, William y Bridget lideraron una vida pacífica, pero no duró mucho cuando un extraño de otra manada convirtió su dulce y pacífico hogar en una casa llena de odio y tristeza. Alan y Jace, que son primos de William, son personas totalmente diferentes. Alan tiene un buen motivo hacia la manada, pero el de Jace es completamente diferente. Cuando todo se puso feo, se sospechó de los enemigos, pero se habían desvanecido por completo en el aire y los buscaron. Sin saber que el verdadero enemigo y el peón utilizado para llegar a ellos en realidad vive con ellos. Bridget salvó a William de morir y perdió sus poderes, todo pensando que él la amaría pero no sucedió como ella pensó. Él la odiaba. El odio de William hacia Bridget se disparó y le causó mucho dolor. El dolor porque su mejor amiga a pesar de que dio a luz prematuramente casi le arruina su vida y la del bebé. No pudo soportarlo más y cuando planeaba escapar, la extraña mujer que causaba su miseria, casi la mata de la forma más terrible posible. Ella escapó y cuando corrió, se transformó en una mujer de acero. ¿LA MUJER DE ACERO? DESCUBRE MÁS EN LA HISTORIA.


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