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The Bully's Mate

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"You never know. Some find their Mate on their eighteenth birthday. You should listen to me and stop messing with unmated she-wolves," my mom said. My name is Keith Monroe, and I live in the Silvermoon Pack. In two days, I will turn eighteen and will be able to find my Mate. Sandy is my girlfriend for now. My mom says I should break up with her before I find my Mate, and I know she's right. I've tried to break up with her a few times, but Sandy always does something to make me change my mind, like today. I told her we should be friends yesterday, and she's in my room, s**king me off this morning. I know I sound like an a**hole, but you're only young once. Don't get me wrong, I want my Mate, but it's not set in stone that I will find her soon. It could take years. ************ "Mate," I heard him say, looking straight at me. Then, he stood up to come to me. I looked up and was shocked. "No," I said and ran out of there as fast as possible. How could my mate be the one person that has hated me for so long? He has made my life a living hell. Ebony is a werewolf from the Blood Moon Pack who has just turned sixteen. She and her mom live on the bad side of town. Keith is a werewolf from the Silver moon Pack. He will become Alpha on his eighteenth birthday, which is two days away. He is rich and popular. Ebony and Keith can't stand each other. Ebony hates Keith because he and his friends are always bullying her. Keith can't stand Ebony because he thinks that she is poor and weak. Things change on the night Keith turns eighteen and finds out that Ebony is his mate. Now he has to win her heart. Will he succeed in making her his? With not only the past bullying but also from others that will do anything to keep them apart. Is the mate bond as strong as everyone says? Let's find out!

Chapter 1:

Ebony's POV

"Why are you still sleeping? Get up and make me my breakfast?" My mom screamed at me. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was already seven thirty in the morning.

"Mom, I have to get ready for school, or I will be late. My alarm didn't go off," I told her as I got off my bed to shower.

"I turned that thing off last night when I got home. You better hurry and get ready, then make my breakfast. Make enough for Chad too. He's my new friend, and no flirt with him like you did with the last one. So ungrateful!" She mumbled while leaving my room.

Once she was gone, I got my towel and washcloth and headed to the bathroom. Once I was done showering, I put my curly black hair in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. After I finished getting ready, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Looking in the refrigerator, I took the eggs and bacon out and started cooking. I put some biscuits in the oven. We only had a little food, so I would have to go to the grocery store before returning home. I put the food on the table for my mom and her friend. I made a bacon sandwich and headed to the living room to get my book bag.

When I entered the living room, I could see my mom and her friend having s*x. They are both naked on the couch, and my mom rides him. I hurried up, grabbed my bag, and left without saying anything. Then, I went outside to wait for the bus to take me to school.

My name is Ebony Daniels and today is my sixteenth birthday. You would think my mom would have wished me a happy birthday and been caring and loving towards me but no. This is the way I have woken up most of my life. Today was honestly a good day. She met a new guy, so right now she is happy. I'm sure he will be moving in with us soon.

What scared me was what happens when it doesn't work out. My mom will start blaming me for her loneliness. She always blames me for my dad leaving. They were Mates, and he left her because I was born a girl. He wanted only boys and told my mom to get rid of me, but she decided to keep me. My mom never missed a chance to tell me my father didn't want me.

I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt me every time she brings it up. She blames me for us not having money too. She says that she and my father would be living somewhere lovely if she didn't keep me or if I was a boy. Sometimes I wish she would have given me away. It would have been better to be put in foster care if all she was going to do was mistreat me.

Usually, mates stay together because they can't live without each other. The only time they don't is if they reject each other. That rarely happens. It has to happen before they mate and mark each other. So knowing that my father left without rejecting my mom makes me feel bad. I was not worth his love because I was a girl.

After the bus dropped me off at school, Kate and Kayla were waiting for me at the front of the school. They are my two best friends.

"Happy birthday, girl!" they both said at the same time. I smile at them and thank them.

"Are you coming over today after school? My mom and dad have something for you." Kate asks.

Kate's mom and dad are the Alpha and Luna of our pack here at Blood Moon. Five different Packs go to Blood Moon High. Blood Moon, Silver Moon, Red Moon, Thunder Moon, And Grey Moon. We are like a college campus, and some of the different pack members live in dorms. But, mainly, the wealthy seniors choose to stay on campus.

"I have to work after school and won't get off until late," I told Kate.

"Derek will pick you up if you need, and you can stay with us tonight." She said, With a worried look.

She knows my home situation, but I told her not to tell her mom and dad. She is still my mom, and I know if they knew how she treated me, they would do something about it. I didn't want her to get in any trouble.

"Maybe tomorrow. I'm off then," I told her, and she nodded okay.

As we were walking to my locker, I felt something wet hit my face and clothes. I figured they were water balloons after a while. I tried to get out of the way of the balloons, but they kept hitting me. Finally, I ended up falling on the floor.

Looking up, I see Sandy, Cindy, and Mark standing there. Keith walks up to me with a trash bag and dumps flour all over me. I looked up at him, and he was smiling down at me.

"Happy Birthday, Loser!" He said and walked away.

Chapter 2:

Keith's POV

I woke up feeling someone's lips on my c*ck. I looked down to see Sandy's head bobbing up and down as she s*ck*d my c*ck. I put my hand on her head and patted it before grabbing her hair and pushing her head down, making her take more of my c*ck, which made her moan in satisfaction.

"That's right b*tch, take all of my c*ck in that little mouth of yours," I growled, and she did just that. It didn't take long for me to c*m all down her throat. She swallowed it all, knowing that was what I liked.

"Good morning, baby," she said, and I pushed her down on the bed.

"Get on all fours b*tch." I said, and she obeyed without hesitation. I stood behind her and lined my c*ck to her entrance. I slammed into her deep and hard, not even allowing her to adjust to my size.

"Oh yes, Keith, right there! F*ck me harder, baby." She screamed out of pleasure. I plunged into her harder and faster, causing her moans to become louder from satisfaction. Finally, after


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