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Best Romance Novels

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She was the one he couldn't have

  • Genre: YA/Teen
  • Author: Ghptie
  • Chapters: 70
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.7K
  • 6.0
  • 💬 0


Mila Bennett, 17-year-old, sassy, friendly, feisty and the vice-captain of the dance team. Well, everyone except Hayes Miller, bad-boy and the captain of the basketball team in Henry M. Gunn High School, one of the best public schools in California. Rémy Miller, Hayes brother transfers to Henry M.Gunn high school. He's mesmerized by one girl, Mila. He wants no one but her. Hayes starts to catch feelings for the girl he never wanted, but the question is would Mila want a guy who has been a thorn in her flesh all these years? Or a guy that has always been there for her and cared for her. Rémy realises her unspoken feelings for his brother. He also realises that the love he had for her was just for friendship. When a baby comes in along the way, Is Mila ever going to tell her arch nemesis how she feels about him or she’s going to keep them to herself? Is Mila ever going to tell her arch nemesis how she feels about him or she’s going to keep them to herself?



Review after half of the novel

This book book is really really interesting book at first it was kinda confusing because the book it’s from so many point of view but then you start to get use to to it but overall this book it’s not bad it really really good and would recommend reading if your into books like this then this is a good book for you to. Read I don’t think you will regret reading it if you do read it

March 11, 2024

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