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Warlord's Ward (The Mages Series)

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: K.K.S
  • Chapters: 120
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 9.6K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


This Is A Story Related To Another Werewolf Series, The Pack's Girl.The Prequel: Managing MagesHe came into our village like a shadow.A Dark Dread filled with powerful magic. The King merely called him Warlord. And he owned the name. Leaving wreckage in his wake. But for me he had other plans. His cutting blue eyes seeing straight through my disguise. As his slave, his mere plaything, I'll learn the true darkness of magic without conscience. Anything he wants if me, he takes. Anything he wants me to do. I am willed to do with the flick of his hand. His power is an all-consuming whirlwind. And I'm just the pretty butterfly caught in it.



Review after half of the novel

This is kind of captivating, intriguing and spell bounding from the first page. One can't stop wishing these novels be made into movies. The storyline is gripping. The plot seamlessly flowing into one another. The twists and turns keeps you glued to the letters...who would have thought! The king was one scheming son of a bitch... Hawk sometimes wasn't up to his game...not covering base well....he could have been plain early enough. Mary is another ball game entirely. Not too forthcoming, although in such circumstance one might not be thinking straight. All in all it was a great job.

February 18, 2024

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