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The Wrong Alpha - A Twist of Fate?

  • 👁 21.9K
  • 8.2
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Delilah can’t wait for her boyfriend to turn 17, for him to meet his Alpha wolf, and finally sense his fated mate. She has long since been predicted as his fated mate by all in their pack having been childhood sweethearts. They make a perfect couple so this would be the perfect love story for them. Surely fate couldn’t take an unexpected twist sending her on a painful path she didn’t expect? That painful path could change the person she once was but may bring an unexpected ally……could it be in a bitter twist of fate Delilah all along had held her hopes on the wrong Alpha?



Review after the novel completion

Overall, it was a great read. The cousins were my favorite characters. They brought a lot of comic relief. I will say that the writing style changed quite a bit throughout and at times it seemed the author was in a rush. It also would have been good to add a scene where we see the interaction between the main character ehen she meets with the witch. But I enjoyed reading and hope the author continues to develop their craft!

April 3, 2024

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