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The Vampire King's Abused Human Mate

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: Laurie
  • Chapters: 65
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2K
  • 7.2
  • 💬 0


"“Do you intend to replace her?” I shook my head frantically. I didn’t care how much he loved her. I wasn’t her, and I didn’t want to be involved with a vampire… “P-Please, h-have mercy, I—” “You’re being so sweet tonight,” he said, his voice husky. “Usually, you would have swatted my hands away… Have you missed me so much?” He was insane. He had to be. I had never met him before in my life, yet he was gliding his hands all over me, taking a firm hold of my breast like some horny teenager and licking my neck as if I would get in the mood. ******* Trinity is a 21 -year -old human, and a psychologist. She had a whole life, a boyfriend, parents, and an enviable job. Until she was kidnapped from the human world by a vampire... In her past life, she has never seen a vampire, she fears and begs him to let her go home. Lucianus, a ruthless, arrogant vampire nobleman. Even as a vampire king, centuries ago his wife was killed by humans. He hates humans, but when he met Trinity, he took her back to the castle and regards Trinity as his own blood slave due to the same appearance as his wife. But what would happen if Trinity was not the vampire's wife? Will Lucianus let Trinity leave or torture her?"


deni larue

Review after half of the novel

I love Vampire books. I felt so bad for the character at first this book has crazy twist to it. Trinity fell for the person who snatched her, tortured her and then made her think she lost her mind. To spin the block and fuck her brains out is crazy. I’m not quite finished yet but I would highly recommend to read because whoa. The book needs to be adjusted cause some of the words are cut off at the top but still a good read and I can make out what the words are. I’m also ready for an app that pays for the whole book and not a chapter.

April 10, 2024

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