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The Run: A Bet With The Alpha

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  • 7.5
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The cage doors are released and I open my sapphire coloured eyes, dashing out of the prison and into the forest. Seven days for the full moon to be blue. Seven days from the starting line to the finish Seven days, that’s how long I had to make it to the lodge as an unmated female." Legends of werewolves have gone back centuries. Always including the Moon Goddess and her blessing of soulmates to the beings she created. But the ugly truth is there is no such thing as soulmates. There is only The Run. An event created centuries ago held twice a year during a blue moon where she-wolves run from their male counter parts. If they are captured, they are mated and marked, claimed by whoever captures them first. No one is exempted from this event - not even Grace Harvest. After being able to avoid attending the event since turning eighteen, Grace finds herself unable to find an excuse not to participate this time. With her last hope of remaining unmated until she can fall in love, she makes a bet with her Alpha. If she wins, he can no longer force wolves of his pack to participate in The Run and allow them to find love. If he wins, Grace will be mated, and her pack mates are forced to go no matter what. But what will happen when she meets a golden haired wolf by the name Caden Wolfrain, who instantly captures her attention. Will she do all she can to win the bet, will Caden win her heart or will the secrets Caden keeps force her to cut ties with this golden haired wolf without a second thought no matter the heart break.



Review after half of the novel

Loving the novel, it's very different from the usual novels. It keeps you entertained and intrigued. You keep on wondering what's gonna happen next. The characters are all interesting in their own ways. I like the fact that they are different species and trying to co exist in the same space. Even the bad characters makes it difficult not to like them. Hopefully Caden, Grace and Emelia will survive ànd reach their goals. Can't wait to meet the Fur princess

March 9, 2024

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