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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin

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Skyla Silara Rossi is the 18-year-old daughter of the Lycan King himself. She attends Midnight Academy, a place that is a safe haven for the supernatural, but for Skyla, it’s not enough. She still doesn’t fit in. Unable to control the power and rage of her beast, she isolates herself from the world. With each passing year, her Lycan is getting stronger. Becoming harder for the young princess to mingle with those who have now come to fear her. This year, there’s something different that awaits her return to the Academy, in the form of two sizzling Alpha males. Aleric and Royce Arden are the twin sons of the Alpha of The Shadow Wolves Pack. With blond hair and icy grey eyes, the twins are walking gods, ones that any girl would desire. Even Skyla Rossi. Coming from a pack that holds its own secrets, they both have come to the academy as new teachers. Each with his own hidden intentions. Yet when their lives intertwine with the Lycan Princess, everything is thrown upside down. A relationship between a student and a teacher must be kept a secret, especially when it involves the King’s daughter. Skyla spells trouble and danger, but can the wild Rossi be tamed, or will her emotions and power, mixed with betrayal, destroy her forever? In a dance of lust, lies, and forbidden desires, will Skyla find her knight in shining armour, or will the Arden Princes be her ultimate downfall? A Feisty Lycan Princess, a Charming Science Professor and a S*xy Broody Trainer; what could go wrong? Oh yes… everything. Book 3 of the Rossi Legacies Book 1 & 2 are under the title Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire.


Jennifer Patterson

Review after half of the novel

Definitely one of the best but a warning can be raunchy if you’re not into that be warned! I love how real the main character is with all her faults and challenges!! Please don’t listen to those over sensitive words hurt me types. Definitely one of the best but a warning can be raunchy if you’re not into that be warned! I love how real the main character is with all her faults and challenges!! Please don’t listen to those over sensitive words hurt me types. 80 words is stupid long!!

January 28, 2024

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