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The Lost Luna Princess

  • 👁 25.8K
  • 9.3
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When the Luna Queen is brutally murdered her mate is shocked to find the betrayer is none other than his best friend and Beta to his Royal Pack. Having escaped to safety in the arms of her aunt, Princess Angel must keep her true identity a secret from everyone until the day she meets her mate. Jake is the ruthless Alpha to the Moonlight Pack, he has never wanted to find his mate believing it will make him weak. How will he react when he meets his mate only to find out that not only is she the Lost Luna Princess but that she's a blood relative to the Moon Goddess?



Review after half of the novel

So far loving the novel with lots of twists and turns and plots that keeps me wanting more this is my second novel that as got me hooked and takes me away from day to day life , it is full of romance, mystery,betrayal and adventure just wish the chapters where a bit longer . I really like how the novel gives every characters perspective and opinions on events that have happened so you get all sides you really get to know the characters ,can’t wait to continue reading

January 19, 2025

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