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The Last Alpha King - Mists of Time

  • 👁 27.6K
  • 8.1
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At 28 Rosalie Summers has still not found her mate, she has all but given up looking. With her brother now Alpha of the pack, Rosalie is free to follow her own path. But when her path takes her to the heart of the rugged English countryside her life changes in more ways than one. Has her mate been hiding in a completely different century? What will she do when she discovers him, return home to her own time and loving family, or give up everything to live in a more rugged and simplistic way. Follow Rosalie on her journey in Book one of the Last Alpha King Series....



Review after the novel completion

I really enjoyed the novel, It was captivating and intriguing and different from all others that I read. I have few on my list but this was the first I finished and left the others for it. There are not many books with time travel for which I have weakness. It was the right length as well and didn’t get boring. Thank you very much for writing it and looking forward to read more novels from the same author.

December 15, 2023

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