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The Alpha's Flower

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: teast87
  • Chapters: 131
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 79.4K
  • 8.2
  • 💬 0


My name is Rose Bailey. I am seventeen years old and about to start my senior year of High school. I have always lived a normal, boring human life. I never believed in the supernatural or the love at first sight sh*t that others girls my age fall for. That is until I moved with my mom and two brothers back to the small town where my mom grew up. My mom makes us stay at this house, or should I say castle, with a lot of other people living there. Imagine my surprise when I walked in on a man and two women that looked to be 20 or 21, having in a room that looked like an office. Imagine how surprised I was when I was frozen in place, unable to move, as I felt a sharp pain in my chest from seeing them together as he one from behind while she leaned over a desk from pleasure and the other woman was him. The man froze in place and looked at me with a guilty look on his face. The pain got worse in my chest, and before I  blacked out, I swore I heard him say, Mate!


Beelicious N

Review after half of the novel

This is a very good story. I’m still interested to see where the plot takes the story. How the truth will come out and how it will be resolved. I really hope everything works out well for Derick, Rose, Lily and Max. I also hope that Chloe, the evil Vivian and her dad get what’s coming to them. The moon goddess and fate will surely overcome all this evil. I am also reading on to hear what James turns into at 18.

April 23, 2024

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