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The Alpha's Blessed Mate

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A disgraced princess. A broken alpha. And a scream that changes the course of their lives. Thea is supposed to be the King’s heir. Her special markings mean she is going to fulfill a prophecy… except it never happens. Instead, Thea’s father prepares to use her virginity as a bartering tool for a deal with another pack. When a rogue attacks, leaving Thea broken and bruised, she is sure this is the end until an alpha with a broken past appears. Secrets are uncovered. A love with barely enough time to bloom is threatened. Fate has thrown them together, but will a deranged Alpha’s quest for power destroy their chance of happiness? "I couldn’t save Lyra, but I am sure as hell going to save whoever that is.”



Review after the novel completion

The end… that’s it… a good story with a sweet ending that didn’t take forever to get to. Yup I’m really liking this author. I read her other story and totally fell in love with it and just HAD to read this one. I’m sad to see she only wrote two or maybe it’s just two published here… I’m hoping for more stories from this author! All I can say is Thea and Knox really did make the perfect match… The End!!!

January 16, 2025

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