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The Alpha's Blessed Mate

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A disgraced princess. A broken alpha. And a scream that changes the course of their lives. Thea is supposed to be the King’s heir. Her special markings mean she is going to fulfill a prophecy… except it never happens. Instead, Thea’s father prepares to use her virginity as a bartering tool for a deal with another pack. When a rogue attacks, leaving Thea broken and bruised, she is sure this is the end until an alpha with a broken past appears. Secrets are uncovered. A love with barely enough time to bloom is threatened. Fate has thrown them together, but will a deranged Alpha’s quest for power destroy their chance of happiness? "I couldn’t save Lyra, but I am sure as hell going to save whoever that is.”


Nikol Giorgaki

Review after the novel completion

Very nice book , i enjoy it , with a very nice plot and to the point ! Am getting bored with books with never ending and playing with your nerves when the main characters there to late to come close. That is what i liked in that book ! The timing and everything ti do with the book eas just on time and it didn't tired me ! I recoment this book and i really liked the main characters !

January 5, 2025

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