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Micaela Whitlock was born and raised inside the Palace, having little experience with life beyond its gates. Despite the benefit of working at the palace, her life was anything but enjoyable. It has been 100 years since the beast overran the human world, eradicating the vast majority of people and enslaving the remainder. Unfortunately, her parents had been among the people who had been taken prisoner. She followed instructions to the letter, doing everything in her power to blend in and go unnoticed until an awful event occurred and irrevocably altered her life. ♧♧♧ " Do i scare you, Micaela." "Your majesty." I whimper, avoiding his gaze. I couldn't muster the courage to meet him in the eyes, not when his intimidating demeanor blocked every sense of reasoning. " mea bella mate ," The way he uttered those strange words, so soft, so delicate, like a sweet caress. Yet I couldn't bring myself to be swayed by his tactics. He wasn't just the king but a man betrothed to another and I was merely a maid, assigned to serve him. "What would Anastasia think if she walks in on our compromising position?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. " I couldn’t give two sh*t what she thinks or feels." His tone was so calm yet frightening. " She means absolutely nothing to me."



Review after half of the novel

from what i’ve gotten to so far, this novel is so good. im so into it, i love this novel so much and i hope to find more like this. it has a good story line, i definitely recommend to reading this although if your not subscribed to this app it takes alot of coins to get to the next chapter but the novel in my opinion is about making changes and falling in love at the same time.

April 23, 2024

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