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The Alpha's Desire For His Abused Mate

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I don't believe in fairytale. I don't believe in happy endings too. To me, anything that involves freedom is a myth. Love is a strange word, something I sought for ages but only got slapped back in the end by the strong fume of hatred that surrounded me. The only thing that can end this pain is death, mine or my abuser's. And either way, I was prepared. ~Ellen Oliver ~ *** His hand roamed my body possessively, his gaze penetrating me with lust and hunger, his finger finding its way to my core. His voice, gruffly and nasal, filled my ear with a disturbing hunger. "You are mine. Mine alone. Mine to touch, mine to keep, mine to f*ck. All of you, Omega. I own all of your goddamn body. You are my pleasure toy..." *** Rejected by her mate and forsaken by her pack, Ellen Oliver endured massive humiliations and tortures because she was believed to be a cursed wolf, and like an icing on the cake of her misery, she happened to be an Omega too. The hell, she was the weakest Omega. After losing her mother due to a forced labour to produce her, Ellen was hated by even her Beta father whom one would have expected to naturally love her. She felt life couldn't get any worse for her, as her survival depended on how well she pleases and entertained her tormentors. But there was a revival.. a revival she never expected nor believed and it came with a change that had her tormentors on their knees, at her feet. ..



Review after half of the novel

Great book so far! Wish poor E was given a break a bit more. Watching the push and pull between the alphas keeps the book exciting and made me want to continue reading. The author does a great job of making the reader empathize with Ellen and feel her emotion towards the characters who abuse her. Just when you think you have the story figured out it throws another big surprise in. I kept reading hoping for a happy ending that poor Ellen deserves!

December 10, 2023

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