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Taming The Alpha's Daughter

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For four years, Eziah has hunted for his mate. When he finds her, he doesn’t expect to find a woman who has been broken in the worst ways possible—leaving both her mind and wolf fragmented. Confined to a cage and in total darkness for the past seven years, Temperance has been suffering at the hands of her brother. Yet when Alpha Eziah finds her, all that changes. He takes her out of her prison, showing her a world that she no longer recognizes. He says he’s her mate; there is just one problem… Neither Temperance nor her wolf recognizes Eziah. She thinks he’s crazy for wanting to be with her despite the fact that she’s been driven mad. He thinks she’s just crazy, but he’s not willing to give up on his mate. Temperance then finds herself in a different sort of confinement. This time it’s not at the hands of her brother, but to protect those around her from a monster inside of her that she didn’t know she had. One that is determined to destroy everyone around her. Will Eziah be able to help pull Temperance out of her madness or will he lose her to the monster that lurks beneath her skin?



Review after the novel completion

Absolutely a very god story and well written for the most part! !! I would have love if most at the beginning there were more explanation about the charachters and the rules of this world though. It was pretty complicated to connect all the people in the story, and the various scenarios ... also the different realms and the rules governing them were a bit tricky. Anyway the story is very involving and it's impossible not to continue reading!! Love the ending too.

May 24, 2024

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