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Saved by a Werewolf

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Doctor Elsa Williams wakes up in the middle of a forest weak and naked with no memories of how she got there. She's alone and tries to call for help but no one is around to help her. She gave up hope and was ready to die, but then she saw a huge wolf coming towards her. To her, this was the end, the wolf would probably eat her, then she fell unconscious ready to be eaten. Little does she know, her life was just beginning.



Review after half of the novel

I love it so much and I am obsessed. The way the characters interact och how you can really put your self in their emotions, is great I love kalvin! I just want him to be happy. You can really see the world your trying to build and the little details are incredible and the chapters just pull you in. I just want to keep reading and reading, I can't wait to learn more as I continue with the book!

April 12, 2024

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