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Saved by a Werewolf

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Doctor Elsa Williams wakes up in the middle of a forest weak and naked with no memories of how she got there. She's alone and tries to call for help but no one is around to help her. She gave up hope and was ready to die, but then she saw a huge wolf coming towards her. To her, this was the end, the wolf would probably eat her, then she fell unconscious ready to be eaten. Little does she know, her life was just beginning.



Review after half of the novel

Really good! I love else's character because even if she supposed to be weak she act strong a tough. Blaze confuses me because there seem to be so many love ineterest for him. Idk who he likes. I'm also happy that Kevin is choosing to open up and give Elsa a chance. Love how he's so possessive and overprotective over her. I also feel really bad for violett I hope she and blaze end up together and she decides she doesn't wanna end her own life. I am scared for all of them because fightimg the vampire king is crazy. Hope nobody dies

April 13, 2024

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