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Mated To The Shun Female Alpha

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She was sold out of her will to the prince of another clan by the people she considered as a family after the death of her father. As if it wasn't troubling enough on a full moon where her husband was supposed to shift into an alpha of their clan and take his red eyes, the doctrine changed in her favour thus changing the course of her life. She became a fugitive loved by no male leader. Her husband disappeared so as not to partake in her slaughter. She scrambled for her life as many wanted to kill her. However, dazzled by her beauty and his love for her, her husband the king decided to later come to her rescue but she was nowhere to be found. Will she forgive him? Or will he ever see her again?


Mihaela Chiorpec

Review after half of the novel

I am very excited about this story, a love story between a prince and a princess. She is so strong and beautiful and he starts to like her more and more every day. Will they stay together? The evil king has only evil plans for everyone, I hope he doesn't separate them or worse, kill the princess. It's fascinating how this story bridges their werewolf world with the human world, how they can cross from one world to the other, and how the magic gate stops their werewolf abilities when they're in the human world. I look forward to reading more.... Thanks to the author for such a beautiful and captivating story!

January 8, 2025

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