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I rejected the alpha for being a bully

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When Rachel found out that she is mated to her old enemy, she was asked to forgive him for the benefit of the old pack. She needs to think if the whole pack is Worthy of her forgiveness to her mate. "I think I can give you a chance". I said quietly, and he sighed in relief, he took my hands off his face and kissed my palm before placing it on his chest. " Are you sure?". He asked hopefully. walked out of the store , minding my own business when a firm broad shoulder brushed through me and pushed me hard enough that I fell down. The contents of my bag was scattered all over the floor and I threw my black long hair sideways so I could see who the culprit was and I furrowed my brow in anger. I narrow my hazel eyes at the familiar sheet eating grin and can't stop the growl of hatred that rumbles through me. Wow dear you should watch where you're going." F*ck*ng Gabriel . The alpha son has always been an since we started high school.Now a year after graduation he still find every chance he can to torment used to be throwing my homework into pool or "accidentally" shoving my books out of my hands or pushing me into lockers.i don't know how many bruises i came home with after he"ran into me" with his shoulder .


Schmilenta Saturne

Review after half of the novel

Amazing work it is fascinating and stimulating for your brain. captivating masterpiece that will leave readers spellbound from beginning to end. With its richly imagined world, compelling characters, and lyrical prose, it is a book that lingers in the mind long after the final page has been turned. Whether you’re a fan of fantasy, romance, or simply good storytelling, this novel is sure to delight and enchant. unique storytelling structure, which unfolds like a series of interconnected vignettes, each offering glimpses into different facets of the circus and its inhabitants. Through multiple perspectives and timelines, Morgenstern masterfully crafts a narrative that is as intricate and enchanting as the circus itself. ue storytelling structure, which unfolds like a series of interconnected vignettes, each offering glimpses into different facets of the circus and its inhabitants. Through multiple perspectives and timelines, Morgenstern masterfully crafts a narrative that is as intricate and enchanting as the circus itself. ue storytelling structure, which unfolds like a series of interconnected vignettes, each offering glimpses into different facets of the circus and its inhabitants. Through multiple perspectives and timelines, Morgenstern masterfully crafts a narrative that is as intricate and enchanting as the circus itself. ue storytelling structure, which unfolds like a series of interconnected vignettes, each offering glimpses into different facets of the circus and its inhabitants. Through multiple perspectives and timelines, Morgenstern masterfully crafts a narrative that is as intricate and enchanting as the circus itself. ue storytelling structure, which unfolds like a series of interconnected vignettes, each offering glimpses into different facets of the circus and its inhabitants. Through multiple perspectives and timelines, Morgenstern masterfully crafts a narrative that is as intricate and enchanting as the circus itself. Fgjbbbf full thighs lunch lurch kicking krr ur fini kitchen jurors Jenny hermi doctor hanky shinty fhbhg

March 3, 2024

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