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Hybrid Aria III

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Fight between Alphas Today was our sixteenth birthday and of all the days my brother Alpha Ryker had to call an Alpha meeting on his twin sister’s birthday. To say we were p*ss*d off was an understatement. Arial and I watched from the upstairs window as Alpha’s from all over filed out of their cars before being greeted by our father and Ryker. My twin sister Arial hated the meetings just as much as me. It was one thing being twins, it was another being Lycan hybrid twins, and we always found that we copped the most stares. Once we came of age and didn’t get our wolves or shift, we knew we differed from our brother. Our mother was a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess, therefore, so are we. Our brother inherited most of our father’s traits, he shifted when he was twelve and was what we call an early bloomer, but he didn’t share my mother’s Hybrid gene. Yes, he was a direct descendant like us, but for some reason he only received certain traits while my sister and I were exactly like our mother. We had no wolves and were half vampire and half Lycan. We were both saddened when we didn't get our wolves. Ryker always spoke of how much he loved his wolf growing up. But we still had each other. Being twins means you always have another half, a best friend for life, and my sister and I were incredibly close. So close, my mother sometimes had trouble telling us apart, the only giveaway being that our scents were different slightly.


Brandy Salmon

Review after the novel completion

This series of books so far has been a reallly good read. I love all the characters in the books and feel like I’m with them as they are going through their journeys. I have always been drawn to supernatural stories. I’ve always loved reading and watching them. I love the fact that their are witches wolves and hybrid’s together and all the love and family is always awesome to read. I love that they all fight for their loved ones and their families and their friends. I really love the way the author catches ur attention with their great writing style. I would definitely recommend this author and their books to anybody and everyone I know. I’m really glad that I found these books they are a great and interesting read. Wish their would be more books so we could know how all the other characters lives play out. I would love to be able to see how their kids grow up and have their own kids and mates. I will try to find more books by this author so I can read more of their books. Really love this author and their creativity and their works.

March 24, 2024

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