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Enslaved by the Alpha King

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  • 8.2
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Aria and Destiny's world have collapsed, leaving them feeling devastated. Just when the sisters thought things couldn't get any worse, they are taken captive by the Crimson Moon Pack, a notorious werewolf group governed by a cruel Alpha king. Forced to endure the pains imposed upon them, they must find their freedom and escape through this dark time. As days pass by, a spark begins to grow inside Aria. She swears to reclaim her freedom and put her life back together again alongside her sister. Her will and determination become stronger with each passing day, but things become complicated when Destiny finds out she is the cruel Alpha king's mate!


Sasja Jensen

Review after the novel completion

Okay, Wow, what a story. So well written, and perfect alteration between the different characters. Their dynamic and personal development so interesting to follow. The struggles playing out through the plot, gives the story a sense mystique and pique your interest. Destiny and Aldric are by far my favorites, their change is perfect and shows how the right person can bring forward and the best qualities in an other person, even if that person is grof and stubborn. Thank you

January 30, 2024

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