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Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers

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  • 9.0
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"Meet my sons, Mia. Sons, meet Mia, your soon-to-be step-sister." Then three tall, sturdy, muscular men joined us at the table and I had no doubt that they were my step-brothers. They looked just like their father. I gasped, shrinking in fear as I remembered where I had met them. Quinn, Jack and John, the triplets of misery in my high school life. I would be a fool if I ended up liking the boys who had bullied me and treated me like I wasn't worth sh*t. They are different at this time from the wolves in my dream. They are playing the role of a gentle older brother. I heard that they were in the Navy and I must admit that was where fitted them. I hoped that they met with men who were stronger than they were who could give them a taste of their own medicine and bully them, just as they had bullied me. Later, they claimed that I was their mate. "Keep it a secret from our parents, okay? We'll cherish you, Sis."



Review after half of the novel

Ik ben nog wennende aan dit verhaal weet nog niet echt wat ik ervan verwachten moet. Ja het is leuk maar ik ben al toe aan de volgende stap denk ik. Het duurt wat lang ofzo in mijn optiek. Ik ben wel heel erg benieuwd hoe het nu verder gaat en hoe dit alles aflopen gaat. Komen ze bij elkaar of niet wat gebeurd er met dat ding in de kelder en zo kun je nog wel even door gaan

April 21, 2024

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