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Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

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F*ck, Ada…”“Brad...oh, f*ck... deeper... harder!” Ada’s shrill voice begged between breathy moans.The banging of the headboard against the wall intensified as Ann froze. No... it couldn’t be!Ann took a deep breath and nudged the door a little more. Her chest felt like it would explode as she held her breath whilst the crack widened.When it revealed her sister lying underneath her husband-to-be, her hands flew to her mouth to stifle the gasp of horror as her heart shattered instantly.As Brad roared his release inside her sister, Ada turned her head towards the door with a smirk.An icy chill descended over Ann as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown over her and she stood and stared, her eyes wide and mouth slightly open in disbelief.Ada lifted her hand and waved in Ada’s direction with a smug smile plastered on her face as Brad collapsed on top of her, kissing her neck tenderly.Is there anything you can do if your mate had s*x with your sister?


Tiffany Bell

Review after half of the novel

This book so far has me intrigued on it. The curse that Adam has and then Ann's step sister and step mom are like that of the Cinderella story. And her father that stands by and let's all these things happen. I'm not sure if he knows what his mistress/wife has planned or not. I have a feeling that Adam really is Ann's second chance mate and maybe the only one besides her friend Lexie that has her best interests at heart. But it is an interesting read so far and look forward to reading the rest of it.

March 28, 2024

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