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Alpha King's Rejected Mate

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: Ivonne
  • Chapters: 170
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 6.1K
  • 9.3
  • 💬 0


After being rejected by her mate the alpha of her pack because she was weak, losing her baby and almost getting killed all on the same day, Lena vows never to return to the Quarry pack and to make herself stronger. Eight years later, Lena is a lawyer and runs a law firm with her best friend Kate and she's engaged to Jeremy the beta that saved her life. But her happiness ends when she runs into Killian the alpha who rejected her and has vowed to get her back. Will Lena finally learn the truth about why Killian rejected her and be able to forgive him for all the pain he caused her or will she choose Jeremy.



Review after half of the novel

I love this novel. This novel has too much suspense which make curious me to read more novel . Whenever i feel bore there is another suspense began which is like boost for me for reading more. The love story of Lena and Killian is superb and how they feel for each other its like someone really wrote about someone feelings. This story is too best for people who became bore easily so this novel excit them and also I excited about every chapter and but coming next.

April 30, 2024

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