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Alpha Damien

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  • 5.8
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An Omega wasn't the most suitable title for a werewolf, and no wolf hoped to be one. However, things didn't always go as one wished, did it? Ariel was born an Omega, and although it wasn't the best, it was manageable. Everything changed when her father killed the pack's Alpha. Everyone in her family but her, was killed. Things took turn for the worse, disrupting her semi peaceful life. To punish her, Alpha Damien, the late Alpha's son took her as a slave and puppet. What happened when the Alpha who had been searching for a mate for sometime finally found out his mate was the daughter of his nemesis? Would he accept her? And would Ariel who had been abused and tortured at the pack accept him? Found out in this suspense filled story. Warning: This book is rated 18+, and contains matured scenes. A minor errors with the numbering but it is arranged properly. Just the numbers which would be edited as soon as possible Note; this book is currently been edited. Please, kindly overlook any error. Thank you



Review after half of the novel

This book has me torn. The abuse is something hectic, I really don't know why it would be something that needs to be incorporated. I honestly don't see how a person who has endured this much would accept the bond with that kind of monster. I mean she tried to unalive herself at one point, but still hoping for him to change his way and accept the bond as well as her. I honestly don't know how I got this far with what I've read, it's honestly quite triggering.

January 15, 2024

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