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Best Romance Novels

The Ugly One

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Jane is a teenager in high school who had always been insecure about her looks thanks to her older sister who was always deemed more beautiful. She thought living under her sister's shadow was the worst thing that could happen to her. Until one day, her luck turned for the worst when the school's biggest jerk and the bad boy Jake decided to force her to become his wing-woman to win Liliana's heart! Not only that, she accidentally bumped into an even bigger jerk, Jake's older brother Aaron who couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her. How will she ever escape these ruthless bad boys?


Kim Shankle

Review after half of the novel

Niven has an interesting plot twist to it. But I lm all for it I love the drama romance and how new things keep popping up I honestly think Janey is still confused about the brothers well not confused but curious she wants to double back to Aaron once more to see if there was something missing from before. Jake is impatient and might screw up if he does not stop making her feel some type of way. But we shall see what the end holds for us.

April 7, 2024

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