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Best Romance Novels


Ann Anscombe

  • Unlocked Chapters: 70
  • Novel Reviews: 1

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  • 👁 5K
  • 9.7

“Sign them. Now!” He threw the papers across the bed and they fluttered in front of me, taunting me with words boldly spelled on them. Divorce. My blood had fizzled out. I refused to believe this was happening. I had never filled myself with delusions of Ezekiel ever loving me, but I had truly believed we could both tolerate our obligations to each other. Perhaps I was just blinded by love. “You're breaking this marriage because of Ellen? Because of my sister?” **** As though the death of her grandmother and a painful divorce weren’t enough torture for one day, Camille Manor stands frozen in the face of a family annulment. Letting go of her past life, she leaves for the States where she aims to start life afresh and raise her children not even the father knew about. Things change when she receives a shocking letter that changes everything. Now, after four years of staying away, Camille must return to London to face the lurking shadows of her past. But with her ex-husband back in her life, will her plans for revenge go smoothly? In the midst of exposing buried family secrets, she struggles to tame the feelings she still has for Zeke despite his betrayal while hiding his paternity over her children. Meanwhile, she takes down the Manor’s one by one in a bid to reclaim the honor that was once hers. Delve into the soul-gripping romance between Kamille and Ezekiel as they navigate a web of lies, betrayal and deceit within family ties. As well as unravel a secret nobody saw coming.

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  • 👁 20K
  • 9.9

"Stay away, stay away from me, stay away!" she shouted repeatedly. Despite having nothing left to throw, she kept yelling. Zane was more than a little curious about what was happening, but the woman's ruckus made it hard to concentrate. "Will you shut the fck up!" he roared at her. She fell silent, and he saw tears filling her eyes, her lips trembling. Oh fck, he thought. Like most men, a crying woman scared him shitless. He'd rather face a hundred of his worst enemies in a gunfight than deal with a crying woman. "And your name is?" he asked. "Ava," she replied in a thin voice. "Ava Cobler?" he inquired. Her name had never sounded so beautiful before, surprising her. She almost forgot to nod. "My name is Zane Velky," he introduced himself, extending a hand. Ava’s eyes widened when she heard the name. Oh no, not that, anything but that, she thought. "You've heard of me," he smiled, sounding satisfied. Ava nodded. Everyone in the city knew the name Velky; it was the largest mafia group in the state, based in the city. And Zane Velky was the head of the family—the don, the big boss, the Al Capone of the modern world. Ava felt her panicked mind spinning out of control. Ava is kidnapped and forced to realize her uncle has sold her to the Velky family to settle his gambling debts. Zane, the head of the Velky family cartel, is hard, brutal, dangerous, and deadly. His life has no room for love or relationships, but he has needs like any hot-blooded man.

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  • 👁 2.8K
  • 8.8

★Be careful who you trust. Because, even your bestfriend can also become your greatest enemy★ Don't come close to me !" I yelled on top of my lungs, taking two step backwards. My gaze fixated on his hand, dripping with blood. He had just cut off a man's hands like it meant nothing. What kind of human is he? No! No! No! He is no human, he is an animal. A bloody filthy animal. "I won't hurt you, baby girl." He took a couple of step towards me and I kept moving backwards, until my rear back collided with the wall, trapping me with him. I whimpered in fear. Unable to utter a single word as his bloodied hand caressed my chin. Somebody please save me! I cried inwardly. "You're so f*ck*ng beautiful." He complimented me but I returned the favor by spitting on his face. "And you're an animal!" I retorted. He wiped his face with his bloody hand. Then, he shot me a daunting glare. I braced myself for what could come next. I was ready to bear the brunt of my action. He could run a slap across my face. or perhaps, he might even kill me too. But instead, his handsome face brightened with a devilish smirk and he claimed my lips. -----★----★----★----★----★- Janie's father took her to a big mansion under the guise of going there to borrow money for her tuition fee. Unknown to her, he was actually going to sell her to the ruthless, dangerous and heartless mafia king, Luciano Giacomo. She found out that same day, that the man whom she believed to be her father, whom she trusted all her life wasn't really who she thought he was. Her father just betrayed her! what happens after Janie suffers that betrayal from her father? How will she cope living with the most dangerous person on Earth as his possession? Find out more from this suspense filled mafia romance novel on Janie and Luciano journey. WARNING; Not for readers below the age of eighteen!


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