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WARNING : Matured contents !!! 18+ This book contains a lot of steamy content. I suggest readers should be at least 18+ to read. "I'll never be your plaything," my voice cuts through the tension. "Your father's debt was paid with your life. You belong to me now," he declares, grabbing me by the arm. ________________________ Enzo Saviano, a formidable Italian mobster abducts Gabriella Diaz as payment for the debt of her father who is desperate to settle his gambling debt. For Enzo she is just like every other girl he has slept, a easy f*ck or is she?


Sarah Cuculick

Review after the novel completion

I absolutely loved this novel. At first I was unsure if I would like it, however I than got more interested in it. The twist that came about held you curious as to what came next. I would definitely recommend this novel to other readers. I can't wait to see what the next book has in store with the Saviano and their child. I am intrigued to see what challenges Gabriella and Enzo are going to face moving forward with their relationship.

October 14, 2024

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