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Best Romance Novels




Review after half of the novel

I am personally loving this no Val chap ters so far. Very sweet indications between young and in love unsure of title relevance with Sweet hot heavy young love. Seeing same story across m a n y books but keep coming g back to read more every hour as chap ters un lock. Currently ready 6 or 7 books on here and a few in real life but keeping it exciting enough to keep up with as I circle back

October 23, 2024

Sarah Cuculick

Review after the novel completion

I absolutely loved this novel. At first I was unsure if I would like it, however I than got more interested in it. The twist that came about held you curious as to what came next. I would definitely recommend this novel to other readers. I can't wait to see what the next book has in store with the Saviano and their child. I am intrigued to see what challenges Gabriella and Enzo are going to face moving forward with their relationship.

October 14, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The novel is interesting the plot has a good start but the death of Luca was a shift hard to shallow because it was his friend after all and the miscalculation of that behavior could have been handled otherwise, the rivalry between sisters is toxic since they didn’t know each other and to plan to kill your sister just because of a man who doesn’t even want to be with you! Anyway the family reunion didn’t fit well with the script for me

October 3, 2024


Review after the novel completion

This was a great book with an amazing storyline. Enzo and Gabriella’s different experiences to get to their happy ending was an adventure in itself. I went from being exhausted with Gabriella unknowingly making the wrong decisions and constantly putting herself in danger to understanding because she didn’t know who to trust. I like that Enzo’s love and wanting to protect Gabriella seemed genuine from the very beginning, even though he didn’t necessarily go about showing it in the right way or maybe that is how a Mafia King shows it!

September 15, 2024

eliza gordon

Review after the novel completion

Pretty dope book so far. It's well written. Some words need fixed here and there. But over all it's a really good book and a decent story line. Haven't really been reading many books on here lately because I can't find a decent one. And I came across this one and it's pretty decent I like it. I would recommend it to someone else that's for sure. I will probably end up reading the second book that involves their child

September 1, 2024

Nikki Baker

Review after the novel completion

I love this book. It had a lot of ups and downs and all different kinds of twist and turns. Always keeping you on the edge of your seat. I'm happy that they decided to start opening up to each other so that way their love could blossom into something beautiful. I look forward to the next book dedicated to their son. Can't wait to see the crazy things that he unfolds. All in all this was an amazing love story and I would recommend it to the next reader.

August 23, 2024

Julie Anne Young

Review after the novel completion

The ups and downs in this book 📖 can't be described without giving away to much. But I do really feel so much for Gabrielle , she goes through so much. How ever I'm so glad she found her happy ever after. There is so much drama from all sides, a lot of good 👍 and bad 👎. Sometimes I wonder how she keeps going but she does. Thank you for such a great book 📖 😊

August 21, 2024

Charlotte Guldbæk

Review after the novel completion

Better then good,love it. Real it. I had a Hard time going to work, and put the book Down. I am sure you Will enjoy it to. It you like mafia storry you Will like this one, drama, nice retten and easy to real. Men hold nu op det er træls at skal skrive så mange ord i de bedste review, før man kan poste det. Men bogen er virkelig god og som skrevet nem at læse selv for en hvor Engelsk er andet sprog.

August 15, 2024

Yashema Fisher

Review after half of the novel

I’m not going to get any more of those for you I have to get a new phone and a new phone because I have to go back in and buy a phone because my old phone has a battery so I have to buy yet another one and I have to pay the phone and I can’t afford it because I don’t have any more so I don’t know how much to get it I have

August 15, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Um So good! Had me hooked the entire time! Story telling was done very well. The characters were very detailed out. The dialog between them was so good, the bickering and hits were fun to read into. The entire book was not dragged out like other books. Which was a huge plus for me. Kept you hooked and wanting to continue to read on. Which I was very much willing to do. Hope there's more books from this author to read!

August 8, 2024