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WARNING : Matured contents !!! 18+ This book contains a lot of steamy content. I suggest readers should be at least 18+ to read. "I'll never be your plaything," my voice cuts through the tension. "Your father's debt was paid with your life. You belong to me now," he declares, grabbing me by the arm. ________________________ Enzo Saviano, a formidable Italian mobster abducts Gabriella Diaz as payment for the debt of her father who is desperate to settle his gambling debt. For Enzo she is just like every other girl he has slept, a easy f*ck or is she?



Review after half of the novel

The novel is interesting the plot has a good start but the death of Luca was a shift hard to shallow because it was his friend after all and the miscalculation of that behavior could have been handled otherwise, the rivalry between sisters is toxic since they didn’t know each other and to plan to kill your sister just because of a man who doesn’t even want to be with you! Anyway the family reunion didn’t fit well with the script for me

October 3, 2024

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