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Femi enjoys his career as a marriage counselor, making reaping off his male clients for money and their wives. His "bedroom" Prowess is so good that anyone who experiences his actions would seek divorce or worse still lose conscience. He feels no remorse for his adulterous life. He's a smooth runner or games. He remains at the top of his game until two vicious neighbors, his victims, fall in love with him simultaneously and seek to divorce their husband so as to have him all to themselves.

Chapter 1

42 year old Raymond Tokunbo stares blankly at Doctor Nick, who is perusing a test result paper. Ray virtually hopes for good news, but the look on Doctor Nick’s face doesn’t give much away, thus fixing Ray in a heightened suspense.

Moments later, Doctor Nick looks up and says to Ray, “I’m afraid, the result is still the same. Nothing has changed from the last time we checked your samples.”

Ray lowers his face to the table, pained by the news.

“You mean I won’t be able to father a child?”

“I’m afraid, yes. Well, unless of course by an act of God”

Ray sighs and shakes his head in agonizing bitterness, as Doctor Nick observes him with pity. The good doctor feels his pain, but then it’s a hopeless situation for the time being.

“Come on Ray. Talk to your wife. You guys can adopt, life goes on.

Ray sighs, draws a deep breath and slowly lets out the rueful air of self hate, and shakes his head.

“How do I face my wife? She would be disappointed.”

He swallows hard, as doctor Nick eyes him with surprise.

“You mean your wife doesn’t know about this all along?”

Doctor Nick takes a deep breath, and Ray nods, avoiding eye contact.

“Should I talk to her for you? I could make it an official date with her…”

“No... I... I’ll tell her myself, when I get home today.”

Ray’s voice shudders in misty shame. His pain so obvious that Doctor Nick can’t help shaking his head with pity, as he makes to leave.

As Ray gets to the door, Doctor Nick calls him back.


Ray looks back expectantly.

“Think about the adoption.”

Ray nods, and then shuts the door behind him.

Few hours later, Ray walks into his living room, looking downcast. His wife Jenny, rushes to him full of smiles, and wielding a sheet of paper.

They hug and kiss, then stare into each other’s eyes. At this point Jenny observes her husband’s dull countenance and realizes that all is not well with her husband, but then assumes that her great news should wipe off the sad face.

“Guess what baby?” she begins.

What?” Ray replies with a dull tone

“I’m pregnant.”

News stings like a sudden bee. Ray didn’t hear that well.

“ You’re what?”

“Yes baby. I’m pregnant.”

She offers him the result paper. He grabs it with wide eyes and stares… His face broadens with sudden excitement and then he grabs his wife jubilantly.

“I love you baby!”

They lock in a tight embrace, as Ray briefly wonders away in thoughts. He knows what the doctor said about him not being fertile. He’s confused now.

Ray returns to the clinic the following day to confront the Doctor, but the good doctor in a bid to clarify the possible misconception, conducts another fertility test on him.

Ray stares at the doctor who flips through a couple of papers. He’s anxious, and restless.

“I’m afraid, Mr. Ray, nothing has changed. Still the same.”

Ray can’t believe.

“Are you sure there’s no mistake somewhere?” Ray insisted.

I carried out the test, myself.

Ray looks away, lost in deep thoughts.

“How is this possible? But she’s pregnant.”

“Who’s pregnant?”

Ray turns, stares at the doctor eye ball to eye ball, with a big frown and says; “My wife, is pregnant, doctor!”

“Your wife is pregnant? That’s not possible. I mean, you can’t possibly get her pregnant with these results here.?”

Ray narrows his eyes at the doctor.

“Are you saying someone else got my wife pregnant?

The doctor swallows hard. Ray stands and moves to the door angrily, turns back to briefly stare at the doctor, and then shuts the door behind him.

Chapter 2


It is a very cold Saturday night in Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria, Ray lays in bed with his 36 year old wife Jenny . They seem to have just finished making love, but Jenny’s face is gloomy. Ray observes this and becomes concerned that he hasn’t done a ’great job’.

“Baby? What’s the problem? Did I not... I mean...?” He married his gaze to her intimately.

“No baby, it’s not about the sex...”

“Then it’s about what?”

“Nothing. Just that I’m tired.”

She’s reluctant to let it out, and Ray knows that something is weighing her down.

“Tired of what baby?”

She want’s to talk, but doesn’t know where to begin or how to put it.

“Everything... This... I mean... I’m just... I don’t know.”

She takes a deep breath and throws her face away, avoiding eye contact with Ray who observes her for a while, as he chews on her word. Now he’s deeply troubled.

“Baby, are you tired of me? Do I bore you in bed? Am I… wait, you don’t love me a


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