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Best Romance Novels

His Exclusive Stripper: You Are Mine Don

  • 👁 6.8K
  • 9.4
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Eveyln White was used to living a double life - college student by day at the top of her class, mousy and introverted, and a bombshell stripper by night only known as Eve. Things all come to a head when her bouncer boyfriend, Charlie, angers a patron of the club, who turns out to be one of the most dangerous men in the world, Mafia Boss Antonio Bernoti.


A H (Ann-1601)

Review after half of the novel

It’s been a great read so far I’m not much of a book reader but this has taken my interest and I find myself drawn into the book so interesting. Some grammar is hard to read but you can still make out what it says as your flying through the words in each chapter. Its great that you can unlock chapters by adds and it’s so easy to get coins to unlock more definitely recommend for someone who enjoys romance novels

November 4, 2024

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