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Best Romance Novels

Betrothed to the Mafia Boss

  • Genre: Romance
  • Author: Zaynab
  • Chapters: 86
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 8K
  • 6.7
  • 💬 0


"You must be crazy woman. This is my house. You are my wife. You do whatever I ordered you to do" His hold on my arms went deep like a peircing needle. Even at the situation I was in, I didn't back out. "You married me as a wife not as a slave. I'm not going to succumb to your demands" I seethe. "Oh is that so? Then I will show you who is the master here" It happened so fast. I found my body being pushed to the nearest wall with his lips hot on mine. ~~ He wants her the very first time he set his eyes on her. He wants to claim her as his. When he set his eyes on something, he gets it by hook or by crook. He's Antonio Di Salvatore, a reputable business man in the eyes of people and a dangerous mafia boss in the underworld. She's the daughter of the most influential business analyst in the country with the blood of business. A spitfire but a lovely woman. She hates him yet she fears him. A man that is consumed with obsession and a woman that is engulfed with hatred.


Amy millican

Review after half of the novel

Very exciting novel . It has kept my interest. Keeps you on edge and keeps you wanting to read more. I feel it is starting to evolve into a love story which I’m there for. This couples relationship started out so volatile and is unwinding and is becoming very interesting. I can’t wait daily to pick this up to see were this story and relationship is going . The mafia story’s always seem to be interesting to read . I’m loving it

December 10, 2024

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