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A contract with the mafia lord

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“ How much do you earn a month?” “$75,000.” “Only? How much will you earn in six months?” “$450,000.” “And a year?” “$900,000.” “If you earn $900,000 a year, it will take you four years to pay off and who do you think will wait four years for a paltry sum?” “I will work four jobs then.” “And you expect to earn $75,000 from each job? You can't be serious.” He replied with a scoff. Biting the corner of her lips, she tried to come up with something else but her brain went blank. ****************** Finding her boyfriend in bed with her best friend, Scarlett is left heartbroken and alone. What she didn’t expect is her life to change the very course of her existence after suffering a car accident and an unexpected matrimony in the hands of the most ruthless mafia man in Las Vegas, Damien Steel. He needed a wife and she was the perfect candidate. Love blooms in the hearts of the two individuals. However, their love is put to test. Will they overcome, or surrender to the will of the temptation that surrounds them? Or perhaps, their love was never meant to be....


Toni Miller

Review after half of the novel

Great story line so far , I love it and the author shows character development in an amazing way . I love Lucia’s growth and her ability to be appreciative. I am looking forward to seeing how she’s going to deal with Sarah and Steve once she knows how to defend herself and also looking forward to when she finally meets Jason again Jason’s uncle Bruno might is one hell of an interesting character, he’s like an onion

June 25, 2024

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