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Best Romance Novels

Red String Of Fate

  • 👁 567
  • 7.5
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Legend has it that there is an invisible red thread that connects people to their destined twin flame. ***** Aian loves his freedom. Aside from his family and friends, there is nothing more important to him than his precious camera. It was the only weapon he could use to at least be close to being a hero. He is sassy and knows how to stand his ground. What he doesn’t know is how to be with someone who has a lot of secrets and his complete opposite… even if that person was his twin flame. ***** Kalvin loves his solitude. Aside from his business, there is nothing more important in his life and he prefers it that way. He wouldn’t let himself be betrayed again and for that, he knows that he is better off alone. What he doesn’t know is that he will meet someone who would turn his life around… and that someone was his twin flame. ***** An unexpected encounter between two different people. Aian wanted nothing more than to get to know the person that destiny had given to him. Kalvin wanted nothing more than to protect the person destined for him especially from his own past. Broken camera. Secrets. Dark past. Can they see past their differences and realize why they belong to each other?



Review after half of the novel

The red string that attaches two people together is similar to a myth we have in our culture so it's relatable. It was what attracted me to read the novel. The story line has me hooked as to how Aian and Kalvin will as their careers are rather contrasting in a way. The underworld war Lord against the reporter who digs up dirt and exposes such bad guys. I have started to wonder how their relationship will unfold if their differences collide!? Intrigued to know what deep dark secrets Kalvin is keeping close to his chest and is yet to be willing to tell his partner...

April 1, 2024

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