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Finally back home after years of training as a gifted healer, Skye is ready to finally be able to help in their family-owned clinic. The omega’s mind was set to treat any one who asks for help and all kinds of wounds and diseases to the best of his ability. What he did not expect was to discover that he was betrothed to the son of the king. ***** Defying royal traditions and his father, Linus walked away from the palace. The alpha prince found a family in people who wield swords for a living. He love the life on the road, and forging his own fate. What he did not expect was his father’s threat coming to life and presenting him an omega for a mate. ***** An alpha who wants nothing but to be free. An omega who’s goal in life was to help. Will they learn what it means to have a mate?



Review after half of the novel

I loved the "first" story but stopped reading when a second was introduced. I prefer knowing what novel I sign up for so that I can choose whether I want to read it or not. I plan to read further when I feel like I have lost my feelings about the first story. I do not know if it is just me, but I take breaks between a novel and it's sequel so that I do not compare them as both are written by the same person and should thus be enjoyed all the same.

April 18, 2024

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