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Best Romance Novels


  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Author: Queenies
  • Chapters: 170
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 35.8K
  • 9.9
  • 💬 0


"Don't think for a second that I would ever love you." His voice was raspy, and his breath was hot as it fanned my neck. " Dharium..." I whispered, fighting back the tears as his grip on my neck tightened. His laugh boomed in the dark room, sounding more menacing than ever, and I inwardly shivered. ◇◇◇ He was ruthless. She had the kindest of hearts. He was brutal, She was warm. He was filled with darkness. She was his only light. Princess Letitia Ventura was nothing compared to her sister Caitrona. She had neither beauty nor grace, each qualities her sister possessed, hence her parents' lack of attention and care for her. So when a marriage alliance was made between their kingdom and that of Nytia, the most ruthless kingdom ever, Feared for its power and brutality, Letitia couldn’t help but feel a little bit alarmed, even though the king had specifically asked for her sister. But things didn’t go as planned when Letitia found herself in front of her people, set to wed the king of Nytia.



Review after half of the novel

Fantastic !!! The story is really good which makes the novel fun to read. The way the realationship between these two people is discribed is very exciting. Its seems that the author cares deeply for the novel, the heroes and the readers. The best part for me is that every chapter has something new to add to the story. This way you can never be bored. In addition to that , we must admitt that the discriptions are really vey very good

April 25, 2024

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