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The Vampire’s kiss

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Waking up to love bites on her neck, was Alexandra's biggest fear. She had made sure all her windows and doors were locked, but still... he always found his way into her house leaving nothing but love bites as a souvenir. Gradually she would noticed someone was stalking her, she lived in fear not knowing who the person was. Alexandra wondered who this man could be, her lover from the past or a stranger she knew nothing of. She had guessed it right, but only.. he wasn't just a lover from her past but a stranger she knew nothing of... A vampire to be exact.



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It’s a good story 🌸 good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good very good

April 13, 2024

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