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Sold to the Prince of Hell

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“I will not let you take me alive” was the last thing she said before it all went dark. Watching both her parents murdered and their kingdom torn to ruins, it seems Leiya's life cannot get any worse, but it does. She is forcefully torn away from her sister and sent as a gift to appease Helion, ruler of the Kaltain Kingdom, the most powerful demon to ever exist, the "Prince of Hell", but Leiya is determined to keep her fathers dying wish. She will find her sister, Nayla at all cost, and not even Helion can stand in her way.


Karen Goodwin

Review after half of the novel

Really enjoying this book. It is keeping me in suspense. I’m glad Kayla has found someone nice and caring. It looks like Helion is falling for leya. I’m sure I spelled the names wrong! I’m just wondering when the two sisters will reunite. Will Helion go after the cruel king that took her family from them! It’s crazy I have to write an 80 word review to get coins! Well my phone is about to die. So my review is over. Still a good book

September 26, 2024

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