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Best Romance Novels

Sold to the Prince of Hell Reviews


Karen Goodwin

Review after half of the novel

Really enjoying this book. It is keeping me in suspense. I’m glad Kayla has found someone nice and caring. It looks like Helion is falling for leya. I’m sure I spelled the names wrong! I’m just wondering when the two sisters will reunite. Will Helion go after the cruel king that took her family from them! It’s crazy I have to write an 80 word review to get coins! Well my phone is about to die. So my review is over. Still a good book

September 26, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Okay. So I really love the premise of this novel, but I do have some bones to pick: -there is almost zero formatting which makes things VERY confusing. There are no paragraphs or spaces to visually break up the text, and the switching of POV and location is clunky. -the chapters are WAY TOO SHORT. Shorter than other books on this and similar apps. -personally I want more Helion and Leiya. I don’t care as much about Nayla’s story, and the fact that each short chapter is half about her is annoying to me. It essentially makes it so 3 pages of each chapter are what I want, and 3 are filler. It makes me worry that the story is going to take forever to get anywhere substantial. There needs to be more interaction between the main characters. I was plowing through earlier chapters but now I’m wondering a bit if it’s worth finishing, and leaving things unfinished isn’t something I do often. I’m crossing my fingers that any of these things can be resolved…. PLEASE! Okay! Now that I have finished the story, I will say that it is good overall. I wish there had been more detail and more actual time spent with Helion and Leiya, though. It ends well. My compliments to the author.

September 24, 2024