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My Dominating Apollo

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"D...Don't...Ah!!" I moaned even though I tried hard not to. He has something in him that always makes a woman moan his name as he touches them. "You know very well that you can't resist the temptation then why try..." He was pushing it deeper while brushing his lips over my earlobe. "Say the word..." He whispered. "Daddy," *** Clarissa Green, a sweet, beautiful, hot-headed and stubborn woman who hates it when someone disrespects or speak low of her. She has faced many obstacles in life which made her a strong and amazing woman. Apollo Villin, He's calm and collective, smart, manipulative, cold, notorious multi-billionaire who's famous for his looks and his mysterious personality. *** Secrets will be revealed, hearts will get broken and relationships get destroyed.



Review after the novel completion

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February 10, 2024

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