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Married At Seventeen

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"You pathetic mistake of a man! What's more disgusting o f*ck*ng your brother's wife for revenge?" She spat. * "You will surely beg me. It doesn't matter if you're begging for s*x or begging for your life but you will beg me. I will break you, it's a promise" He growled. R*p*. The one thing Riley never thought would happen to her yet the one thing that was able to ruin her life and enrich her parents. After lots of emotional and psychological torture, she got sold off to the very person that stole her innocence. Her heart laced with hatred as she swore to make them all pay. Even if she had to kill him and keep the baby. Then his brother, Roman Shaw showed up and she realized wasn't dealing with just one devil. She's stuck in the midst of a family rivalry. One where everyone uses her as a toy.


Rhiannon Nicole

Review after the novel completion

Wow this was one intense story. It kept me guessing the whole time I feel bad for Riley because she went through so much in her short lifetime. Dean was a master manipulater and had planned for everything except Tatiana jealousy. I'm glad Riley got her revenge on Ramon. He deserved worse honestly. Dean deserves some punishment himself and Riley deserves more happiness. Delilah doesn't deserve happiness and poor Duwayne got the short stick. He did nothing but save Riley from the moment he met her

April 13, 2024

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