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Best Romance Novels

Mafia Kings: Ronan

  • 👁 15.8K
  • 8.6
  • 💬 0


“Is there something I can help you find, love?” His rich, smoky, slightly accented voice made it hard for me to concentrate. “I…uh. I…I was w-wondering w-where the c-coffee maker was.” Was that my voice? Since when did I sound like a sultry s*x kitten? I slowly looked up. I was met with his intense baby blues and once again my body, the treasonous b*tch, reacted to him. It took all I had to swallow and don’t think I missed for one second the way his eyes followed my natural body function. This man was s*x incarnate and if I was being forced to cohabitate with him I was going to have to be extra careful. “I don’t drink that sh*t.” His mouth pulled to the side in his trademark smirk. “Then what’s in that?” I point to his mug. “It’s tea.” He said, trying not to smile. “Close your mouth, love. Unless you want me to put something in it?” He whispered in my ear.



Review after the novel completion

Not sure how I feel about the ending. It feels unfinished, as if the author decided this is where it stops because I don’t know how to end it. Overall the book is good and will eject different emotions from you, particularly laughter. The ending is why I rated it less than “5 - star”. You’ll enjoy the characters, which is pretty cool getting their different viewpoints. Rannon’s story is something I need more of. All of the brothers really. I just love their dynamic.

May 8, 2024

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