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Best Romance Novels

Kidnapped By The Mafia King

  • 👁 9.7K
  • 7.8
  • 💬 0


BLURB Ellie's life changes when she goes on vacation and stumbles on a drug deal that she's not supposed to see. She finds herself kidnapped and and smuggled across the border to Mexico. Her life is now in the hands of Tristan Russo a handsome and powerful cartel leader. Tristan promises to not kill her as long as she agrees to obey him, from the moment he lays eyes on her Tristan is drawn to Ellie and after he gets a taste of her he wants more and Tristan always gets what he wants. What would be the fate of Ellie in the hands of Tristan?



Review after the novel completion

Although there are many writing errors in this story, this is still one of my top three favorite stories on this app. The author uses different names for one character, but once you read through the story, you start to understand who she's talking about. Other than the writing errors, I have no complaints. The story is very interesting and keeps you wanting more. There's different points of view from different characters which makes the story more entertaining. If you're okay to

April 17, 2024

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