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Falling for the Surrogate

  • 👁 6.5K
  • 9.3
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“Five hundred million for surrogacy. After you give birth, you will leave the child and never show your face again,” Anya was faced with a difficult decision in her life. That was to accept these absurd terms or just let her husband’s company fall into bankruptcy. In the end, she chose to toughen her heart just to save her husband. She took up this job that goes against her morals, the life she nurtured and cared inside her body, she gave it away. However, after everything she had done, her husband turned his back on her and chose to hurt her in every way imagined. When her world felt like crumbling to pieces, she would be unexpectedly saved and loved by a man she had least expected. She was Anya Laurier, and she’s a billionaire’s surrogate.


Review after the novel completion

Loved the story line. It was hard sometimes with the errors of he/she and name mix up’s. I would have to go back and re-read for it to make sense. But I did really like the story of poor but pure with a very wealthy and somewhat dangerous man. Glad Alex realized that she loved and needed Damon and not him. Glad they became a family. Hate that she missed out on Allen’s baby faze. He was already talking when they reunited

February 13, 2024

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