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Don Vittorio: VOLUME II

  • 👁 6.4K
  • 8.2
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Six years have passed since Ellis Barker made the difficult decision to leave Vittorio Amorielle's life behind. After facing a series of tumultuous events, she chose to start anew in Seattle, carrying with her the secrets that Don Vittorio so eagerly yearned to unravel. What could have driven Ellis to distance herself from Vittorio, leaving behind everything they had experienced together? Why did she choose to depart at that moment? And now, what has brought her back to New York, after so many years of absence? The answers, laden with mystery and significance, are on the verge of being unveiled.



Review after the novel completion

200% highly recommend to let anyone read this book. From book 1 to final book👍👍👍 You won't surely waste a single dime to spend reading this. The author is amazing and genius! Never missed a chance to skip any chapter coz it's definitely worth a read. Trust me, you won't regret. I love Vittorio and other characters. I love the twist of the story so much! that's why this is my favorite of all mafioso story. 10/10😍

December 21, 2023

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