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After the divorce, she became a female billionaire

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In everyone's eyes, Bertha and Derek had the wrong marriage. Bertha was married for three years and thought she would melt Derek's icy heart, but she was wrong. Derek's heart only goes out to Laura - his ex-girlfriend. Derek treats Bertha poorly. One day, she saw her husband having an affair with Laura. Unable to continue anymore, she decided to divorce Derek. She will not waste her youth on a heartless man, someone who has trampled on her heart many times. After the divorce, Bertha returned to her parent's home, becoming the heir to the fortune left by her parents. No one knows her true identity. A life like a queen awaits her. As for Derek, he thought that after the divorce Bertha's life would be miserable until one day, he found Bertha and said. “I want to remarry with you. What are conditions?" Hearing Derek's words, Bertha just smirked, looking at him with disdain.


Review after half of the novel

I love this author I love this authors use with words and their very descriptive writing style I love this storyline as I always want to see the underdog get the win however I am conflicted because Bertha really isn’t the underdog everyone thinks she is. I can’t wait to read more from this amazing author. Kiddos to the author for their hard work and dedication. Thank you for sharing your story I truly look forward to seeing more

June 27, 2024

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