- 👁 1K
- ⭐ 6.8
- 📚 4
- Author: wenchang
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 317
- ⭐ 7.5
"Remember to take the birth control pill; don't try to tie me down with something as base as a pregnancy." Their marriage is nothing more than a transaction, a deal sealed not with love but with mutual benefits. She craves his wealth and influence, while he lusts after her sensual figure. In the cruel game of love, when the wrong people meet at the wrong time, their union is destined to shatter with a single, devastating blow. On the day of her remarriage, as Sophia stands at the altar ready to start anew, Mason collapses before her, his pride swallowed by the dust beneath her feet, his plea desperate and raw, "Sophia, don't marry him. Come home with me, please..."
more- Author: wenchang
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 25
- ⭐ 5.0
Many, many years later, the Mediterranean is still full of his legends A boy with a pale skin like a mermaid emerges from the sea Wielding a huge sickle to reap lives, his dark eyes reflected the stars and the moon This is the best of times, the age of exploration, the new world, science, art, gold, and sea power; This is also the worst of times, the age of pirates, the church, witches, the black death, and the inquisition. A romance of blood and fire, a symphony of light and darkness. This is—the Age of Sail.
more- Author: wenchang
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 583
- ⭐ 7.5
Her life was utterly ordinary until a car accident ignited her extraordinary abilities. Is she a human, a mutant, or a vampire? Who ever said that hunters were the arch-nemeses of vampires? And who dictated that werewolves were the natural-born enemies of the vampires? Watch as she captivates the werewolf, subdues the hunter, tames the spirit beast, and negotiates with the elves. Witness her ascension as she steps into her destiny, becoming the ultimate Vampire Sorceress.
more- Author: wenchang
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 77
- ⭐ 7.5
Para proteger al bebé que lleva en su vientre, Alba se ve obligada a casarse con un millonario impetuoso y salvaje, Iñigo. Todos a su alrededor susurran que ella no vivirá lo suficiente para ver nacer a su hijo. Desesperada por sobrevivir, comienza a seducir y a acercarse a Iñigo, y sin quererlo, se convierte en la favorita de su corazón. Justo cuando Alba decide divorciarse de él, se encuentra a Iñigo con su coche al borde de un precipicio, aparentemente indiferente ante el peligro, jugueteando con el acelerador. Su sonrisa despreocupada congela el aire cuando dice, "Creo que no te he escuchado bien, ¿has dicho... divorcio?" Más tarde, acaricia su rostro con una sensualidad que roza con la crueldad y murmura, "Quédate a mi lado, linda, quienes intentan escapar deben ser castigados." Y aún en otro momento, se acerca a ella cubierto de sangre, cayendo exhausto bajo la lluvia, humillado como si fuera barro, suplicando, "¿Qué tengo que hacer para que decidas quedarte conmigo?"