Chichi meliss
- 👁 66.2K
- ⭐ 6.9
- 📚 11
- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 23.9K
- ⭐ 7.5
A divorced CEO who has been betrayed by his wife decides to never trust women again and never to fall in love again. But as we are not in control of our feelings, a young girl called carla who life has not been easy at all came into his life and will shake everything up and lead him to love again. they started a hidden relationship because a romantic relationship is not allowed in the company. But despite this barrier and this impossible love that may have arisen between the CEO and his secretary, they were able to have the courage to beat the winds and tides in order to live their love story .
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 11.3K
- ⭐ 7.5
*Emily* Five years. I wasted five years of my life in a d*mn cell! The reason? For a crime I didn't even commit! I will always remember that day, that day that changed my life forever. It was my wedding, I was so happy, but someone had to ruin this wonderful time in my life that only lasted a few minutes. The lifeless body of my sister-in-law, Paulina, will forever be etched in my memory. She was so sweet and kind. So why kill her? Why kill such an innocent girl? I was devastated after discovering her lifeless body in my room lying on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Everywhere. But what hurt me the most was that everyone I trusted didn't hesitate to point fingers and call me a murderer. I was devastated. My parents disowned me, my friends turned their backs on me, and my fiancé spat hurtful words in my face that I will never forget. Words that pierced my heart. Words that finished me off. I also remember the surprise I wanted to surprise him and my family and friends. However, I lost it after Leo hit me hard. A tear rolled down my cheek thinking back to that night. I had lost everything. All. I was so naive at the time that I didn't see it coming. But all that is over! Yes, it's over! I spent five years of my life surviving in the hell they call prison. I was beaten by many prisoners day and night. And thanks to that, I became stronger! Stronger than I've ever been! After begging for some money, I stop at a phone booth and call the only person who can help me. Mary, my grandmother. "Hello ? - It's me, Emily. -Oh my God ! Emily! How are you? -I'm fine granny but I have a little problem and I need your help. - What do you want my darling? -Actually, I just got out of jail and I have nowhere to go. Can you host me for a while? - Goal of course sweetie! You can come live with me all the time you want. -Is it true? - Yes. I'll even prepare your favorite little dish. - Yes, thank you very much Grandma! I love you! -You're welcome my dear." I hang up smiling. She was the only one who supported me and the only one who visited me when I was in prison. However, my smile disappears immediately when I notice that I no longer have any panties on me.
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 9.6K
- ⭐ 7.5
Black, a big mafia boss, very handsome, demanding that no woman resist his beauty. He becomes indestructible, a professional killer, he doesn't know the word pity since the death of his wife, he feels guilty for not being able to protect her. But swears on his wife's blood to avenge her death. Only her daughter is her priority. As they say 'we are not masters of our feelings' he fell in love with a D.E.A. And since love is every man's weakness, Can he really continue this revenge? Will he be able to control his feelings to defeat his enemies and the murderer of his wife?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.5K
- ⭐ 7.5
Negro, un gran jefe de la mafia, muy guapo, exige que ninguna mujer se resista a su belleza. Se vuelve indestructible, un asesino profesional, no conoce la palabra piedad desde la muerte de su mujer, se siente culpable por no haber podido protegerla. Pero jura por la sangre de su mujer vengar su muerte. Sólo su hija es su prioridad. Como dicen 'no somos dueños de nuestros sentimientos' se enamoró de una D.E.A. Y como el amor es la debilidad de todo hombre, ¿Podrá realmente continuar con esta venganza? ¿Será capaz de controlar sus sentimientos para derrotar a sus enemigos y al asesino de su mujer?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1K
- ⭐ 7.5
¿Te has sentido alguna vez atrapado entre la culpa y el odio? ¿Sin saber cuál es la salida definitiva de este infierno? ¿Ser roído por uno mismo? Este es el caso de James Wald, este hombre que llevaba casi 10 años buscando el remedio más eficaz, este hombre que una vez rechazado se había cerrado a él hasta el punto de envidiar a la humanidad, este hombre cuya única cosa podía curar, esta cosa llamada 《Love》 Este hombre tan crédulo, tan frío, tenía un ángel detrás de este demonio que asustaba a todo el mundo.... para hacerlo sanar de esta culpa su abuelo decide buscarle una esposa lo que lo lleva a un matrimonio forzado, impuesto o incluso arreglado... cualquier nombre que se le dé. Un matrimonio que dará un amor que superará esta ola de incredulidad, este amor que tendrá que soportar golpes y heridas, este amor que creará una pasión tan majestuosa como oscura, ¿sabrá salir este hombre que contiene dos personajes en su interior?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 2.4K
- ⭐ 7.5
En el mundo de los hombres lobo no existe una hembra Alfa nacida de forma natural. El primer macho que nace es siempre el Alfa. Sin embargo, al menos hay una. Faelyn fue vendida a otra manada a la edad de ocho años con un nombre y un rango falsos tras ser arrancada de sus padres y su hermano, que desaparecieron sin dejar rastro. Pasó diez años siendo abusada y maltratada en la manada de la Luna Roja como Alyce Lilly, Omega de la Manada de la Mansión. También ha pasado diez años planeando vengarse del hombre responsable de arrebatarle todo, incluida su manada y su familia. Planea abandonar Luna Roja y parece que las estrellas se están alineando para que lo consiga. Pero el destino tiene otros planes para ella cuando descubre a su compañero y lo rechaza de plano. Con su mejor amiga a su lado, sigue adelante con sus planes, sólo para que otro la desestabilice de nuevo. ¿Conseguirá reclamar su legítima manada manteniendo sus secretos a salvo hasta que lo haga? ¿Encontrará las respuestas que busca, la familia que anhela en secreto?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.8K
- ⭐ 7.5
Have you ever felt like you were stuck between guilt and hate? Not knowing the ultimate way out of this hellhole? To be gnawed by oneself? This is the case of James Wald, this man who had been looking for the most effective remedy for nearly 10 years, this man who, once rejected, had become closed to him to such an extent as to envy humanity, this man whose one thing could heal, this thing called 《Love》 This man who was so gullible, so cold, he had an angel behind this demon who frightened everyone.... to make him heal from this guilt his grandfather decides to find him a wife which leads to a forced marriage, imposing or even arranging... whatever name you give it. A marriage that will give a love that will overcome this wave of disbelief, this love that will have to endure blow and injury, this love that will create a passion as majestic as it is dark, will this man who contains two characters within him know how to get out ?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 5.1K
- ⭐ 7.5
*Emily* Cinco años. ¡Desperdicié cinco años de mi vida en una maldita celda! ¿Por qué? ¡Por un crimen que ni siquiera cometí! Siempre recordaré ese día, el día que cambió tanto mi vida. Era el día de mi boda, estaba tan feliz, pero alguien tuvo que arruinar este maravilloso momento de mi vida que duró sólo unos minutos. El cuerpo sin vida de mi cuñada, Paulina, siempre estará grabado en mi memoria. Era tan dulce y amable. ¿Por qué matarla? ¿Por qué matar a una chica tan inocente? Pero lo que más me dolió fue que todas las personas en las que confiaba no dudaron en señalarme con el dedo y llamarme asesina. Estaba destrozado. Mis padres me repudiaron, mis amigos me dieron la espalda y mi prometido me escupió a la cara palabras hirientes que nunca olvidaré. Palabras que me atravesaron el corazón. Palabras que acabaron conmigo. Una lágrima rodó por mi mejilla al pensar en aquella noche. Lo había perdido todo. Todo. Era tan ingenuo en ese momento que no lo vi venir. ¡Pero ahora todo ha terminado! Sí, se acabó. Pasé cinco años de mi vida sobreviviendo en un infierno llamado prisión. Fui golpeado por muchos presos, día y noche. ¡Y por eso, me hice más fuerte! ¡Más fuerte de lo que nunca he sido! Entre drama, amor y suspense, "La venganza de Emily" es una historia cautivadora llena de giros y sorpresas que te mantendrá en vilo hasta el final.
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 7.3K
- ⭐ 7.5
Mexico City, a country both beautiful and dangerous. Where drugs, murders, disappearances, kidnappings and the law of the richest reign constantly. A country for a few years already made controversial subject. Antoline is a rich and handsome young man who fell deeply in love with the beautiful April, but the latter does not love him and considers him a brother. He was ready to do anything to make April love him without forgetting that what he does will change April's life forever. This pain and suffering also caused April to change her behavior and become a heartless woman. What happened ?
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 623
- ⭐ 7.5
Cuando el director general de la gran empresa Oxford pensó que el amor ya no era para él tras ser traicionado por su ex mujer. Pero todo cambia cuando conoce a Carla, su nueva secretaria. A pesar de todos los obstáculos y prohibiciones, están a punto de vivir una pasión prohibida e intensa. Su historia de amor, traición y secretos hará que el corazón le dé un vuelco. Una novela cautivadora que explora los límites del amor y el deseo dentro de una empresa despiadada. Una historia intensa, s*xy y llena de suspense que te dejará sin aliento hasta la última página.
more- Author: Chichi meliss
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.7K
- ⭐ 1.0
Laura is a very beautiful, friendly and very intelligent young girl born into a very poor family and without a father. His mother is very ill with heart disease. His mother has been transferred to a hospital for her care , and must undergo surgery urgently or she will die. Laura was forced to sleep with a billionaire who is the boss of the Spanish mob. She sold her virginity for money from her mother's surgery. What will happen if Laura falls in love with the billionaire mafia ? . How will her mother react when she learns what happened?.